
CMMS: Efficient Maintenance and its Decisive Role in the Future

CMMS: What it is and how it can be a game changer in your maintenance strategy

The earliest CMMS systems were launched around the mid-60s, but they were only available to the biggest industrial companies with the most powerful computers. The instruction systems created to aid in the documentation, standardization, and verification of manufacturing processes were...

Challenges associated with EAM implementation and the way forward

Although asset management is not a new idea, it has significant implications for enterprises. When properly implemented, asset management addresses the most important issues affecting a business and enables more sustainable growth. A successful company management plan must include asset management as a crucial component. However, it's often disregarded as a boring activity and less importance...

Preventive Maintenance in XMaintain

Why should you care about preventive maintenance?

The idiom, prevention is better than cure, also applies in the industrial setting. The idea of preventive maintenance is to reduce reliability risks in machinery and business operations using machine learning, operational data analytics, and predictive asset health monitoring. In this post, we’ll discuss: What preventive maintenance is and how it...

Usability, flexibility, and system openness are key!

For some time now, we have been evaluating the requirements of our customers, partners, and prospects, and thus also their expectations of maintenance asset management software. In the process, three decisive factors have emerged: Usability, Flexibility and System Openness, which increase the Return on Investment (ROI) both directly and indirectly. The industry demands ergonomic software...

INTEC and Exobrain enter strategic partnership

Foto von links: Sebastian Zacherl, Intec CEO & Juan Pablo Reyes, CEO & Mitbegründer von ExoBrain Spanish ExoBrain and German INTEC Digital Solutions join forces to support the Spanish and Portuguese market. “We are excited to join this partnership with Exobrain. It is a natural fit! We’re integrating our technologies, and Exobrain is also our local solution...

Intec and Good Solutions partner up

Photo from the left: Mikael Persson, Good Solutions co-founder & CEO, & Sebastian Zacherl, Intec CEO. Intec and Göteborg based Good Solutions partner up to support the DACH & APAC regions “We are excited to join this partnership with Intec. We’re integrating our technologies, and Intec is also our local solution partner in the DACH & APAC...

Intelligent maintenance with XMaintain

Intelligent maintenance has always been a strategically important aspect in companies. In addition to process reliability and cost optimization, the focus today is increasingly on automating processes to a large extent. Set the course tIntelligent maintenance with XMaintain owards Maintenance 4.0 with the maintenance software XMaintain.

Use of maintenance software XMaintain at Daimler.

INTEC maintenance software solutions have been used at DAIMLER since 2000. Now, the press plant and the tool shop for axles and transmissions will use our maintenance software XMaintain from November 2017. The DAIMLER plant located in Untertürkheim found in XMaintain the right software solution for mapping complex processes and internal company structures. This is...