The fastest way to grow – we offer the right technology!

Maintenance software for companies of any size.

XMaintain enables proactivestrategic maintenance management

XMaintain means improving your maintenance to the power of ten.

No matter what your challenges are, XMaintain can provide you with a cost- and time-efficient solution. Wide-ranging analyses show consumption and costs, optimizing the efficiency of your assets.

The Graphical User Interface shows a hundred percent picture of your plant structures and components in an explorer view. Routings or orders linked to the respective components can be quickly and easily viewed and directly edited and managed. Structural parts can be cut out or moved and reinserted at any desired position. This is usability at the workplace of the future.

XMaintain - the modernmobileflexible maintenance management software for companys of any size


Latest news

CMMS: Efficient Maintenance and its Decisive Role in the Future

CMMS: What it is and how it can be a game changer in your maintenance strategy

The earliest CMMS systems... read more

Challenges associated with EAM implementation and the way forward

Although asset management is not a new idea, it has significant implications for enterprises. When properly implemented, asset management addresses... read more

Preventive Maintenance in XMaintain

Why should you care about preventive maintenance?

The idiom, prevention is better than cure, also applies in the industrial setting. The... read more

Usability, flexibility, and system openness are key!

For some time now, we have been evaluating the requirements of our customers, partners, and prospects, and thus also their... read more